
Version 4.4.2 Aug 01, 2004

Freeware Drawing Program for LaTeX and Windows

Sneak preview of version 6.3

TeXCad32 german page

Changing the Language


Changes since TeXCad32 Ver 4.3



No longer supported commands are

If you cannot (or don't want to) do without : TeXCAD 4.1 is another Texcad-successor that supports this.

Examples are given on the german page

How to draw pictures

Best: start the program and play around. Then read the manual and follow the example at the end.

How to include pictures in Latex documents

This is described in a separate document.


To Texcad32 the LPPL (Latex Public Project Licence) applies.
If you continue to use TeXCad32 I would appreciate if you send me a picture postcard.

Peter Furlan
Erbstollen 12
44225 Dortmund

Plans for changes or supplements in version 4

Ideas or sugestions are welcome.

Plans for TeXCad32 Version 5 (even if it's not clear whether this will come )

Hall of Fame

TeXCad32 is one of the successors of Texcad of G. Horn and J. Winkelmann. More ideas coming into this version came from Prof. Dr. K. Menke, R.Ebe and M. Mayr-Willius and the people who developped Turbo-Pascal/Delphi. The manual would have been even more ugly without Koma-Script.