4.4.2 Aug 01 2004 The maximal number of elements is now 1,000,000. Please tell me if there are errors caused by this New menu entry "Move". As in older versions you can choose a displacement vector by clicking with the mouse. Bug fixed in exporting invisible lines in ps-format Fixed small bug in directional control 4.4.1 Macro-support corrected, various little bugs, two new documents added Version 4.4 05.03.04 Delete now works in a different way: elements that are already marked as 'deleted' are discarded, picked elements are marked as 'deleted' and are no longer displayed or exported. 'Undo' from the edit menu calls these elemnets back. 'Move' now works with moving the mouse with pushed left mouse button. 'Rotate' is new. Parts of the picture can be rotated round a given center. The position of text is changed, the direction of the text not. An examples for rotation texts is in the IC-macro, using \rotatebox from pstricks. Parts of the picture can be saved and (mutiply) reloaded as 'macro'. Bugfix: Using a language file no longer disables showing files in the Pic/Tec import dialog Comments in Pic files are now ignored. Bugfix: Most of the labels were not read in from the language file. Bugfix: alignment information was not save correctly in -tcs files, so tec export resulted in corrupt files.